
Affordable and high-quality local painting services

Professional painting services in the New River Valley and Roanoke

Residential Painting

Refresh the look of your home or try a new look with our residential painting services. We offer color consultations.

Commercial Painting

Keep your place of business looking great and inviting with our commercial painting services. Interior and exterior painting services are available.

Rental Unit Painting

We offer quick and affordable painting for rental units to prepare for your next tenant. Maintenance painting can help to keep costs down.

We offer free consultations


Rest easy knowing that our high-quality approach will be used throughout your entire project.

We take all of the necessary precautions to ensure that your belongings are protected throughout the project. We also carefully plan each project so there are no surprises.

With each project, we:

We have over twenty years of experience


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment?

Just give us a call. We will discuss as much as possible with you on the phone so that you can have all the information that you need. If necessary, we can schedule a consultation as well.

How long will the project take to complete?

It varies by project. We will give you an estimate for how long we think it will take.

Does the type of paint used matter?

The quality of paint is a big determining factor for how everything will look when complete. We can discuss your goals with you and advise the right type of paint to accomplish your goals.

Are you licensed and insured?

We are licensed and insured. You can rest easy knowing that our services pose no risk of liability to you.